This is one of my favorite sayings in Africa. It describes so many things here—the way of walking, the pace of change, the
mental framework that those of us from the so-called developed world do well to adopt if we are to be happy and effective in our work.
This expression conveys no value judgments, just the realities of a culture that keeps time by the progress of the sun and measures the distance between places by the time that it takes to go on foot.
So slowly by slowly, the Income Generation Program at Nyabiheke Camp has arrived at an important moment, when we begin distributing our small grants to the groups who have shown the initiative to organize and the willingness to work together to help themselves.
The women that you see in the photo had just received their grant, and you can see on their faces how proud and happy they are.
The groups are undertaking many different activities, including soap making, tailoring and trading. With your help, all of them will have a chance to try, and slowly by slowly, most of them will succeed.
Thank you.
1 comment:
In Swahili-pole pole--slow, slow. Thanks so much for continuing the blog, Louise.
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